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Stolze Wolken

Aura technique / surgery dissolves energetic blockades in our energetic body. We have a physical body, visible to all of us. Clairvoyant people can also see the energetic body/aura that is wrapped around us. Our energetic body stores information from both this and previous lives. Physical, emotional or psychological discomforts can often be relieved or healed by treating the energy blockages. This is how the aura transforms. There are new possibilities for action/behavior, diseases/ailments can dissolve. Our energy field receives new information. 

Wald, forest, altes Holz, Herz, heart, nature, Natur.jpg

I contributed many years of my experience as a member of the executive board and as human resources manager in various companies to support executives/leaders (women as well as men) on their professional path so that they could find perspective and balance. Many years of international experience allow me to incorporate various cultural aspects into my consulting services. Depending on the issue, I apply the approach of systemic coaching, where we visualize the current situation by means of figures and lead to a solution, or apply the aura technique. 

Transformation of our energy field allows us to get new possibilities of action and effect with ourselves, others as well as within the company. Blockades are like a veil that prevents us from recognizing and sustainably changing. Being in balance and trusting ourselves enables us to act powerfully. 

Image by Cristian Escobar

Akashic records readings are readings/consulting/ coaching/healing which is happening in connection with your book of life. Your book of life is responding to your questions around gaining clarity for your life or business life/situation, challenges with relationships of any kind or family constellations where you are seeking for a new approach.
With your permission I will access during our session your book life. I will be your channel and transmit the information I get and you can find clarity, support and information what is the next possible step that may helps you to grow/move further. The responsibility for any changes remains with you. Connection with the book of life can bring you new inspiration or views to wherever you stand in life. 


With great passion and dedication I advise and accompany people on their way to a holistic and self-determined life that is balanced, so they can grow up to their full potential. Following your own passion/destiny in lightness and peace, to be vital and happy at the same time. For more than 20 years I worked as HR Executive nationally and internationally and accompanied many change and reorganization projects. I was also a member of the management for 15 years. Today, I am happy to support people with all my knowledge and experience. I am convinced that the upper management level feels a lot of intuition. My aims is to lead them to more mindfulness, wholeheartedness, balance and freedom. Change starts with yourself and then influences your environment. My own life brought me a lot of knowledge and experience about how business and its dynamics works. About 15 years ago I learned systemic coaching (family constellations and organizational constellations) and last year I completed my education in Aura Technique and Aura Surgery. With my rich professional experience and my strength to recognize quickly the challenges people are facing, I suggest solutions for change. My ability to transform blockades with energetic healing or systemic coaching, usually leads to much more balance and clarity after only 2 - 3 sessions. In November 2019 I successfully completed the training to consultant in Akashic records readings with Gabrielle Orr. I offer my coaching sessions as well as my treatments in English, German and French. 


Aura Transformation, Akashic Records Reading & Business Coaching

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